In the heart of Antigua Guatemala, Luis Mena Primary School faces a crisis that threatens the future of hundreds of children. Despite being an educational pillar since 1902, it now struggles with a lack of space and deplorable conditions for its 625 students. These children, who come from humble families in Antigua and nearby villages, are forced to study in makeshift classrooms made of Fibrolit, where the scorching heat in summer and the damp cold in winter severely affect their health and ability to learn.
The pandemic hit these families hard, many of whom cannot afford to send their children to private schools. As a result, enrollment at Luis Mena School has grown beyond the capacity of the current facilities. The existing classrooms are overcrowded, and more than temporary solutions are needed. These children urgently need a proper learning space, where they don’t have to endure extreme heat or fall ill from the cold.
Transforming Education: A Project to Improve Luis Mena School
To change this reality, we have joined forces with the Mariano Gálvez University and Rotary Clubs of Guatemala to build three new classrooms at the school. These classrooms will be a safe and suitable refuge for these children, with solid walls, sturdy roofs, and windows that will protect them from the elements. However, this project could not have been realized without the community’s support.
Without these new classrooms, hundreds of children will continue to face inadequate conditions that could jeopardize their education. Education is their only hope of breaking the cycle of poverty that affects their families, and a dignified learning environment is crucial for their success. This is an opportunity to transform not only the school but also the lives of every child who studies there.
That’s why we are united in this fundraising campaign to build dignified classrooms that offer a safe and proper environment for learning. Every donation counts, and your collaboration will be key to achieving this goal. Join us and be part of the change!