Transforming Lives
At CONSTRU CASA, we are not just building houses; we are transforming lives. We provide three distinct types of homes, customized to meet the unique needs of each family. Our commitment goes beyond construction; we use high-quality materials like concrete blocks, iron, and corrugated iron roofs, ensuring durable and comfortable living spaces. Each home includes essential features like windows, doors, and a washable toilet. Our mission is to create safe and dignified living environments that catalyze significant improvements in the lives of families facing extreme poverty.
The Process
CONSTRU CASA closely collaborates with these local alliances to work together in aiding families in need, providing them with the opportunity to improve their living conditions through the construction of decent housing.
Through a careful selection process, families that meet the criteria of need and vulnerability to receive support from CONSTRU CASA are identified.
We actively engage in fundraising to finance our housing construction projects, sourcing financial resources from various channels such as individual donations, corporate sponsorships, fundraising events, and grants. This funding is crucial to carry out our programs and provide decent homes to families in need. We work tirelessly to ensure we have the necessary resources to execute our projects and make a meaningful impact in the communities we serve.
In this pre-construction workshop, we prepare families to understand their crucial role in the construction process. We let them know that they are an essential part of the project and have certain responsibilities. We prepare them to be ready to prepare their land and collaborate during the project, ensuring that they are fully involved in building their new home.
The construction of the house begins according to the agreed design and specifications, involving local workers and volunteers in the process.
At the house inauguration, the beneficiary family, donors, CONSTRU CASA, and other allies come together to officially hand over the new home. This moment is celebrated with love and gratitude, marking the beginning of a new chapter for the family.
After handing over the house to the family, our follow-up plan kicks in, offering sustained support for four years. We monitor their progress closely, ensuring ongoing impact and community development. Through workshops covering topics like nutrition, education, family planning, and healthcare, we aim to foster holistic change in the families’ lives, extending beyond their housing situation.