The Silent Struggle of Francisco Ramos: A Family in Desperate Need

In the heart of a small village lives Francisco Ramos, an 80-year-old man whose life is a testament to strength and sacrifice in the face of overwhelming circumstances. Despite his advanced age, Francisco is the sole provider for his household. Unable to work due to his age and weakened health, he relies on a meager monthly income of 400 quetzales. However, what he receives barely covers the most basic needs, such as the diapers for his wife, who was left paralyzed and is entirely dependent on him.

A Daily Struggle for Survival

Francisco’s wife, bedridden, lives in a constant state of vulnerability. Unable to move, she relies entirely on Francisco’s care and the occasional help of their granddaughter. Francisco’s devotion is unwavering, but the challenges are immense. Most of the monthly income goes towards his wife’s diapers, leaving very little for other necessities like food and the upkeep of their humble home.

Their granddaughter, despite having her own needs and challenges, strives to support them as much as she can. She brings them food and provides the much-needed emotional support, but the situation is difficult for everyone. Francisco’s life is a constant struggle, an endless cycle of worry and exhaustion.

A Home in Ruins

The house where the Ramos family lives is a reflection of their situation. The walls barely stand, and the tin roof is perforated and rusted. Every time it rains, water seeps inside, soaking their belongings and plunging the home into a penetrating cold. There is no escape from these harsh conditions; every day is a new battle against deterioration and despair.


A Call to Action: Let’s Help the Ramos Family

The story of Francisco Ramos and his family is a cry for help, a plea not to be forgotten. At Constru Casa, we are committed to transforming lives, but we need your support to make a real difference. With your help, we can repair their home, provide the necessary medical supplies, and offer them some relief amid so much suffering.

Every donation, every act of solidarity, brings us one step closer to giving Francisco and his wife a safe and dignified home. Join us in this mission. Let’s help the Ramos family find a little hope and comfort in the midst of adversity. 

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